Legislation Sponsored by Andrew Welch (6)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 4/25/2024

HB 0802 NeutralExpand Uses for Education SPLOST Andrew Welch
2/20/2014 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Ed --
Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local Shaun Adams

This bill is a fundamental revision of ESPLOST.  Major changes include:

1) The requirement for concurrent resolution between county and independent school districts is eliminated. The levy of this tax by the county board of education will no longer be subject to control by an independent school system located in the county. Each county or city board of education is authorized to have its own tax levy;

2) The implementing general law is no longer tied to the general SPLOST law. ESPLOST is set out as a complete statute with its own requirements;

3) In addition to capital outlay projects, not more than 50 percent of the proceeds of ESPLOST can be expended for educational programs and materials. It is important to note that most maintenance and operation and personnel salaries are excluded in the bill as it is currently written; and

4) Existing ESPLOST levies can be modified to include educational programs and materials subject to referendum approval.

This bill is the implementing legislation for HR 1109.

HB 0815 NeutralRevision of Georgia Law on Notaries Andrew Welch
1/24/2014 House Second Readers Judy --
Clerk of Court Debra Nesbit General County Government Public Safety and Courts
This legislation revises the law on public notaries.
HB 0855 OpposeService Delivery Strategy Revisions/New Penalties Andrew Welch
3/3/2014 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute GAff --
General County Government Land Use/Zoning Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local Service Delivery
Todd Edwards
This legislation revises current Service Delivery Strategy (SDS) law by providing that each SDS agreement be reviewed and updated by January 1st of the third year after the census, along with other, new renegotiation triggers. It also allows any city to trigger renegotiations unilaterally. In addition to losing state grants, loans and permits, local governments failing to submit or implement a service delivery strategy within 180 days of being required to do so will have 10 percent of all SPLOST, LOST, HOST or other local tax proceeds held until an SDS agreement is reached. 
For a more detailed summary, please click here.  
HB 1004 NeutralAlcoholic Beverages; Levy of Local Excise Tax at County/City Operated Airport Andrew Welch
2/19/2014 House Second Readers RegI --
Alcohol/Tobacco Clint Mueller Econ. Dev. & Transportation Revenue & Finance Shaun Adams
This bill changes the imposition, levy, and collection of local excise taxes on alcoholic beverages at an airport owned or operated, or both, by a county or a city.
HR 1087 SupportTrust Funds - Allow General Assembly to Create and Abolish/Redirect Andrew Welch
1/23/2014 House Second Readers W&M --
Appropriations Econ. Dev. & Transportation Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons General County Government Health and Human Services
Indigent Defense Nat. Res. & the Environment Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance Solid Waste
Todd Edwards Training

This resolution, if ratified by Georgia voters, would allow the General Assembly, by a two-thirds vote, to establish trust funds that have truly dedicated fees (e.g. Hazardous Waste and Solid Waste Trust Funds). The fees could be diverted in a declared financial emergency and majority vote of the General Assembly, or if the General Assembly votes (two-thirds) to do so.        

HR 1723 NeutralCreation of House Study Committee on Licensing and Inspection of Child Welfare Providers Andrew Welch
3/20/2014 House Passed/Adopted JuvJ --
Debra Nesbit General County Government Health and Human Services Leg Update Draft
This legislation creates the House Study Committee on Licensing and Inspection of Child Welfare Providers.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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